

It may not be news to some of you, but for those of you that have passed up creating an About.me account  - go create one now! Since starting school at Full Sail University a couple years ago, I have had to really learn to prioritize how I spend my time - and with who. It sucks a lot of times because I'm not able to get out of my normal routine much & meet new people. With that, in addition to being an introvert, life tends to get rather dull at times. The normal conversations that people typically have when first getting to know one another bore the hell out of me. I can't help it, I'd rather take a beating. With that said...About.me has been a great reminder for me that people with intellect are still "out there". Go ahead, sign up & take a look around...they have a great "Explore" option & it's true folks! People are out there doing "stuff" LOL Enjoy & let me know what you think!

Check out my About.me - About.me/dgfrench

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