
Giant Step for Web Type

Every now and then somebody makes a little dent in the universe that really catches my eye, and Typecast has done that for me this morning. I know, I know...nobody really gives a damn...but it's true! I just don't get impressed, much less excited, about too much. With that said, I have a confession to make - I love typography. I can't help it! I'm one of those people that look at the ads in magazines usually more than I read the actual articles.

Okay, so...the guys (and gals?) at Typecast have come up with a way to just damn near eliminate the writing of CSS from what I can tell. Don't let me steer you wrong though, go check it out & let me know if I'm wrong. From my perspective, it's for those of us that are still stuck in the middle between letting go of the old HTML ways & fully grasping the shiny new HTML/CSS ways. Yes, I know. I should've done all this by now, but I didn't ...and while I'm coping with growing pains... wallah! Typecast  ;)

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