
Reading Nerdiness

Among several books I'm reading, the one that I've spent the most on recently is The Fifth Agreement and I must say - reading this AND learning a new programming language at the same time is interesting. Yes, I had to throw a little computer nerdiness in here too. ;)  At any rate, the book is about the agreements that we make with ourselves without even realizing it & how they affect our perspective on ourselves & the world in general. It has made me realize how much I judge myself based on others or what is "expected" from society, and really look within to start figuring out just what it is I want to do with my life. Helluva time to start, at 37, but I figure better now than never. I haven't gotten too far into the book, or the companion book, so I really can't go deep with this just yet....however, I'd LOVE to hear from those of you who have read it or are currently.

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