

I'm not even sure that "unlearning" is a word but I have definitely come to realize that learning new ideas in place of the old ones is quite a chore. In the past few years I've done quite a bit of unlearning & can't say that I recommend it but it sure as hell beats the alternative if something isn't working for you anymore. It takes time and I've gained something I really never thought I have - patience. The trick for me has been to keep doing the new until it becomes second nature. Now the old ways just seem to be a whole other lifetime away most of the time.

At any rate, my latest unlearning experience is in the HTML area & has proven itself to be no exception to this rule. Years ago I fell in love with HTML & could build tables with my eyes closed. Sound great, right? Not so much at this point. HTML5 is quite crafty & really does some kick ass tricks but damn...pretty much none of what I know about HTML is applicable now. With that said, I'd love to hear back from some of you nerds out there that have gone through (or are currently going through) the same struggle. What's your trick to unlearning the old HTML & dreaming in HTML5?

I've completed a couple of small sites via my educational adventure at Full Sail University but I'd like to gain some real world experience before graduation. I'm currently practicing Actionscript chops as well so if you can offer anything there as well, great!

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