
Two Thumbs Up

This was day five of my son being on meds for ADD and I have been home from work all week with him & he's still alive. LOL It's an extended release pill that he takes firs thing in the morning & it lasts 10-12 hours. I was very skeptical of putting him on any medication but after MUCH research into the pros & cons I must say that I am VERY happy so far. There are so many things that I didn't even realize were being affected. School is out for Christmas break & I wasn't sure whether I'd give them to him during the break or not, but I believe at this point it's a good thing.

He is able to complete simple things like putting away his toys without being reminded a dozen times and more tedious tasks like putting together models & other things that he would have given up on before. I am getting to be a part of his world now instead of feeling like I am constantly barking orders & wondering what the hell happened that I am not enjoying time with my son.

I've found some support & info sites online that I'll post for anyone interested as soon as I get my main computer back up & running. The wonderful electric company out here in the sticks can't seem to keep things up & running if the wind blows so after the power going on & off about a dozen times yesterday my hard drive announced its own death. This is only the 2nd one that has been fried so I guess this one is my fault for not having a battery backup. It will be the last time for not having the backup but at the moment I'm still pissed about it.

Back to the support & info - there are lots of little things I've learned about helping out to make life a little easier for anyone with ADD. So far we have gotten his room more organized & figured out specific places for things he needs daily like his backpack, shoes, etc. - things most of us take for granted but for him it's a constant battle. One of the biggest things I have learned, and realized, is how much of a toll it has taken on his self-esteem so we've been doing a lot of talking too. I'm sure there's much more for both of us to learn but I can finally see the light & I'm sure he can too. It's just the first week & I am so thankful to be getting to know my son it is truly unreal.

Enough rambling about Colton - Tana is having her first boy/girl party tomorrow night. She's titled it a Christmas party but I think it just boils down to wanting to have a party & it just happens to be Christmas. Jeff & I did our best to talk her into having it New Year's but she's mine so getting her to change her mind was a battle I chose not to fight. LOL Having it tomorrow night probably means less of a headache for me anyway.

She & I have gotten close during the past few months and I am really proud of her. God only knows how she has turned out as well as she has so far. The early years of Jeff & I being married were rough at best so I am surprised daily. That's not to say she won't drag us on the Jerry Springer or Oprah show later in life, but right now I am pretty impressed at how balanced she seems to be. She's doing well playing the clarinet in band, made the volleyball team, keeps her grades up, made the spelling bee team and just generally is a good kid. The teen years aren't here yet - but we can all hope.

Okay, enough rambling for now...it's getting late & I've gotten older so I gotta shut up & get some rest for the party tomorrow. LOL

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