
Reading: Lessons in Becoming Myself

I started reading a new book about a week ago in attempt to slow down, if not stop, my latest self-destruct mode. In hopes of knowledge is power I am finally starting to recognize my own cycles in life and the fact that I am (once again) my own worst enemy. At any rate, the book I'm reading is Lessons in Becoming Myself by Ellen Burnstyn.

Who is Ellen Burnstyn?
Most would know her as Chris MacNeil in The Exorcist movie.

Why am I reading it?
About a week ago I had recorded several Oprah shows and decided on watching this particular one about Becoming Yourself. Oprah had several guests as well as clips from interviews from various people but Ellen's story hit home for me on many levels so buying the book was a must. I'm about half-way through reading it and I am extremely glad I made this particular purchase. It's just one more way that someone has touched my life and I hope to learn a little from her story. If nothing else, maybe to recognize my own cycles I tend to do to myself and someday at least slow down & give myself the opportunity to find some peace & happiness.

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