
Happy Holidays

Santa was pretty good to me this year - I got a new digital camera & photo printer, some new books, comfy socks, and all kinds of other goodies. Jeff and I got Tana an electric guitar & Colton a PSP, so now all we have to buy is headphones for them - or good earplugs for us. LOL

My computer here at home got fried by our good ole trusty (NOT) electric company. After about a dozen or so times of the electricity going off & on within a VERY short amount of time it laid down. So far I haven't had the urge to try to pull my photos, music & personal files to see if I can atleast salvage those. I'm sure I'll be ranting about that soon enough on here. For now I'm using an old Dell system that is fine for checking my email but that's it.

The new digital camera is a Kodak EasyShare C703 and so far I love it but I haven't had the opportunity to use the printer & dock yet. The photo quality seems great, as well as the speed compared to the old camera I've been using. The only accessory I'll be adding anytime soon is a memory stick so that I don't have to worry about filling up the internal memory of the camera.

So what did me & the rest of the world do for New Year's? I had an exciting night here at home until about 8 or 9pm then went & met some friends to ring in the new year & came home around 2am. Enough rambling for now, I'm going to try to get this computer setup so that I can download some of the pics from the holidays to share...

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