

Music by John Mayer

I was fortunate enough to have the funds to go ahead and grab this album without having to wait until Christmas morning to give it to myself. (Lame? probably....Do I care? no....LOL) Some things never change.

Okay so there's a lot going on around me now - which is ironic as hell if you ask me because there isn't much of anything going on physically around me these days. Today I took flu meds and read Lessons in Becoming Myself until noon or better. I still have just enough fever to make things wierd and skewed - especially if you have tunes like John Mayer to listen to in the meantime.

My son started taking meds for ADD yesterday and today was his first day at school, so when he got home I was anxiously awaiting to hear whatever news of the day. Of course, I'm always looking for fireworks and Emmy nominations, etc. & we got the star in his folder which shows he behaved well for the day. LMAO

Expectations....they will kill you if you let them....

Okay, so I'm happy with the star but still looking through his backpack for the letter or something more. (Imagine that....me....still wanting more...)

I calm myself - with help from Jeff reminding me to stop acting like a maniac....I'm not acting. LOL Okay so there's no letter, we got the star and we've been hoping for that star for quite some time so we will be pleased with it.

Then out of nowhere my son tells me he's been invited to a Boy Scout Christmas Party at 6:30 and we MUST go. LOL See! There it is! Miracles do happen! I know it's humorous to anyone reading this crap but from here we had a miracle happening right in front of us.

Me (Mom) and Colton go to the Boy Scout Christmas Party and it was great. He was just another 8 year old boy doing crafts & playing & having a good time. And I was his Mom sitting there waiting for him to finish but taking in every second of watching my son FINALLY get to just be a kid & be a part of.

This was our 2nd day on Focalin XR & I am looking forward to all that may come our way. He's finally my son that's I've been waiting on all this time that diggs holes in the dirt & all the other boy stuff that doesn't make sense or have meaning until you have a son that can't slow down long enough in his mind to even try these things. Now, at this point in life, I had the opportunity to look outside & see him digging a hole with a shovel and just smile knowing he was enjoying it.

Before now I would have been trying to screw up the inevitable by asking my son (or anyone else's) what the reason is for digging the hole and if there isn't one they should stop.

Lessons in life are funny that way. Sometimes we just have to let them dig the damn hole.

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