
Out With the Old..

I decided to put a new face on my blog to reflect all the change in the direction of my life. Yeah I know - I'm a nerd. Oh well, I haven't lost any sleep over it.

There's quite a bit going on in my world these days so I thought I'd post on here. If nothing else it helps me mentally organize what is going on & sometimes see a better solution. And sometimes the solution is that I don't know what to do & ask for some help. I wonder if there's someone out there doing research about why it's so damn hard to ask for help? We all want to feel needed but usually fail to ask others for help. Makes sense to me...NOT!

Okay, back to nerd territory. I finally took the plunge and signed up for an online ColdFusion class so that I can brush up on the things I know as well as learn some new stuff. I've only been putting that off for years now! The web site I found offers free trials to see if you like their style - Lynda.com - and their biggest factor for me is that I can do things at my own pace. Sometimes I think that's the way everything should be - do it (or not) - it's up to you. I usually end up finishing way ahead of schedule if I know there's no authority figure involved. Also nature of the beast since I am my worst enemy. LMAO

If you're looking for a book that you can finish in one or two settings & you need to re-connect with God - or a reminder that there is one. Hell I don't know. At any rate, I bought & read a book titled Dinner with a Perfect Stranger by David Gregory last weekend and I'd recommend it to anyone that has ever wanted to ask God a few questions. It's funny, it's not a Bible thumper book, but it does promote brain cell movement - which I've recently discovered (again) that I love! Check it out & tell me what you think. There's another one after this titled A Day With a Perfect Stranger that I plan to buy in the next few weeks too.

Enough for now...

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