
Dealing with Difficult People

I was catching up on reading some of my favorite blogs and ran across this...
"Never again fall victim to those who love to make life miserable for the rest of us. This training gives you concrete techniques for dealing with difficult people in the workplace and at home. It provides specific strategies for getting adversaries to cooperate … bullies to back off … wallflowers to open up … chronic complainers to quiet down."
on a post at Signal vs. Noise - Dealing with Difficult People And for those of you who don't know - I work at Lane's Gifts & Collectibles so every day is an adventure in itself. A clue for those of you who are thinking "I've heard that name somewhere..." - the somewhere is here. It was too funny to not mention on here but let me set the record straight - they are great people & have treated me better than any employer ever has. *Note: I didn't say Allen is easy to get along with - I said they are good people - there is a difference. LMAO

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