
Webmaster Jam Session - Dallas, TX

If you're a nerd like me then you have got to appreciate this - a Webmaster Jam Session in Dallas, Texas. And there's no doubt that a bunch of nerds that just get shit done - no fluff - no foo foo - came up with this. They came up with a cool name and God only knows how long that took. I know it would have taken me a while...LMAO

Okay - all jokes aside - I've wanted to go hear what Eric Meyer has to say for a WHILE and I'm hoping to take advantage of this since it's right down the road from me.

It's coming up really soon and I've already got plans for the weekend before & after so I'm hoping I can manage to make this event too.

Webmaster Jam Session - Dallas, Texas
September 22 & 23, 2006

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