
About Dealing With the Past

This post is about a book I opened while in detox that played a huge role toward turning my life around from the mess I'd created. I'm not claiming to be well now, but I've definitely made some changes and strive to learn a little each day toward becoming better.

The part of this that really hit home for me on 7-10-06 is in bold, but I hope you'll take the time to read all of it. I have let a lot of things pass by in my life because I didn't have time for them. Now I realize there are some things in life that I must make time for if I want life.

7-2-06 This is from "God's Inspirational Promise Book" with Max Lucado

About Dealing With The Past

We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him. They are the people he called, because that was his plan.
Romans 8:28

Why am I so sad?
Why am I so upset?
I should put my hope in God
and keep praising him,
my savior and my God.
Psalm 43:5

I know that I have not yet reached that goal but there is one thing I always do. Forgetting the past and straining toward what is ahead, I keep trying to reach the goal and get the prize for which God called me through Christ to the life above.
Philippians 3:13-14

Perhaps your childhood memories bring more hurt than inspiration. The voices of your past cursed you, belittled you, ignored you. At the time, you thought such treatment was typical. Now you see it isn't.

And now you find yourself trying to explain your past. Do you rise above the past and make a difference? Or do you remain controlled by the past and make excuses?

Think about this. Spiritual life comes from the Spirit! Your parents may have given you genes, but God gives you grace. Your parents may be responsible for your body, but God has taken charge of your soul. You may get your looks from your mother, but you get eternity from your Father, your heavenly Father. And God is willing to give you what your family didn't.

Father, you know us early in the morning; you know us late at night. You know us when we're weak; you know us when we're strong. Father, remind us that you still care and that you still love us.

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