
Organized Chaos - Day Two

A friend of mine used to laugh at me when I'd use the term 'organized chaos' but there really is such an animal. At least the way I see things there is. Prime example - birthday party for a one-year old. Has anyone and everyone planned this first birthday party for little Debbie? But of course - it's her first and we will NOT forget it. She'll never remember it but who cares, it's her first and damn-it we must organize the best freakin' first birthday party a girl of her age could possibly have. Anyway, it's organized. But is it chaotic? Hell yes. End of story. Organized chaos lives...

On another note, my kids woke me up about 6:45am this morning to inform anyone with interest that Santa had came & went - and in fact, he did leave gifts. Whew...after all that talk about someone getting coal this year it was a big relief when I got up to find that Colton got a new 20" flat screen to play his PS2 games on - and a Gameboy to play them in the truck. And Tana - our newly discovered performer in the family - got a karaoke machine with a wireless mic - and of course what kind of performer would she be without a cell phone...LOL

All in all, it went well. They loved their gifts and Jeff & I entertained his family while waiting on a new baked chicken recipe to get done. (While praying that it was actually eatable.) Nobody refused to eat and everyone left without getting sick, so I'm assuming they liked it & will come back next year.

I could go on and on about all the nerd stuff I've been reading up on this weekend when I could find 5 minutes and a dark corner. But I'll spare you - but it's mostly because I ran into one of my former college instructors at the sushi bar Friday and was able to communicate geek stuff with him for a few minutes. Computer nerds need friends too - believe it or not...LMAO.

Okay, I'll shut up for now...

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