
Computer Nerd from Way Back

Anybody that knows me knows that I'm a complete computer nerd at heart but I don't know if anyone really knows how far back it goes. LOL So I thought I'd post some info on the computers I've owned over the years.

When I was about 9 years old I owned my first computer - a Timex Sinclair 1000:
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I bought my next computer when I was 11 or 12 and it was a Commodore 16:
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After hunting & pecking out millions of lines of code out of the Commodore magazine I got each month I got tired of it. Well, the truth is I got a little older and there were other things that held my interest at that point. LOL When I was about 16 the Windows platform was just starting to develop and that's when I got back into computers. The rest is history...

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