
Monday Ramblings

It's been an interesting day so far - to say the least. I've received several phone calls from a lot of the people and know & consider a friend, but we just don't talk that often. And even one phone call from a lady I formerly bought insurance from, ended up talking with her for a while & have decided she's more of a friend than an insurance lady. Attempted to help a friend from the 12-Step program I am a part of with her Algebra - and just couldn't wrap my brain around it at lunch today. Going back after work to try again, then go to a meeting tonight. Work has been fairly laid back today and I've got things scoped out for most of the week as far as what I'll be doing. My side projects are wrapping up nicely and I've got some things working in my head to take their place. I guess I think I don't need the spare time - and it's probably true. Spare time usually gets the human race in more trouble than we want to dig ourselves out of. Did a little research on Buddhism today and joined some email groups to try & learn more about it. It seems to fit in very well with the 12-Step program I'm working. Guess I'll shut up for now, I seem to be rambling. Thanks for reading and if you have any words of wisdom feel free to drop a comment.

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