
ISO New Ferrari

I always seem to have more trouble trying to figure out what to title a post than actually figuring out something to ramble about...

First things first: I need a vehicle! My car died about 3 weeks ago so I've been bumming rides to work, meetings, the grocery store...all those places I didn't think anything about jumping in the Ferrari to make the world go around each day. It's been an adventure to say the least, but a little humility goes a LONG way. God has a sense of humor & that's a fact!!! As soon as I save a little more cash I'll get a new set of wheels & post another update.

On the work front, it seems that things are about to get interesting (more so). I'll be doing an equal amount of graphic design/print from now on, and it's been a while since I've had to do much in that area. It should keep me on my toes since I'll have to reach way back & hopefully find some brain cells to work with in that area. And I'll get the opportunity to learn some new skills, as well as interact with people instead of hiding in my cave day in & day out.

Who knows? Change might REALLY be good. (WTF) ;-)

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