
Buying a new ride

After a few weeks of looking around for a new ride for me & the kiddos, I think I've finally found something we can live with. I wanted us to have plenty of room for trips, and cargo space (and decent gas mileage). Getting a ride to work, the grocery store, meetings, etc. hasn't been fun - but we've made it thru it. And truth be known, we'll probably appreciate having some wheels again even more.

So I've decided on a Ford Freestyle. It's a crossover, meaning it's a combination of a SUV, station wagon & mini-van - all rolled into one. It has 3rd row seating that folds down for cargo space, a sun roof, and gets 25 mpg.

Here's a pic I found online & I'll post pics of the real deal after it's finalized & I'm driving!

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