
Tech Support

Hello, technical support, how can I help you?

LADY: 'Last night my computer started making a lot of hissing noise

at me so I shut it down. This morning when I turned it on

the computer started hissing and cracking,

then started smoking and a bad smell, then nothing'.

SUPPORT: 'I will have a technician come over first thing this

Morning, and leave the computer just like it is, so they can find

the problem and fix it, or change it out with another computer.

Give me your address; phone number and the technician will be

there just as soon as he can'.

When the technician got there, the lady showed the technician

where the computer was, said what happened to it, this is what

the technician found wrong. Take a look at the pictures...you

won't believe your eyes!!!!!

And you thought you had computer problems!

The technician told her: 'It must have been after the mouse!'

The woman didn't think it was very funny at all!


Noah the Dove

How we treat the weakest among us, is how we will be judged. ~ Mehmet Oz, M.D.

Noah the Dove These little bunnies, about 6 days old, were attacked by a dog and orphaned. Two out of the litter of five did not survive, and these three were not doing very well. Noah is a non-releasable, one-legged homing pigeon/rock dove that is in the rehab centre. Noah kept going over to the bunny cage and looking in -- even sleeping in front of the door to the cage. Then, suddenly, there were only two bunnies in the cage. But when Noah moved a bit from the front of the cage to everyone's surprise...there was the tiny bunny...under Noah's wing...sound asleep! That little bunny rabbit had crawled through the cage, preferring a featherbed, no doubt to snuggling up with its littermates! Now, they are all together and the bunnies are doing GREAT. When the bunnies scoot underneath Noah's feathers, he carefully extends his wings out to surround them and then they snuggle. When one of them moves and they start sticking out here and there, he gently pushes them back under him with his beak! It is beautiful and amazing to see... This is what God does with us when we need the warmth and love He offers. He gathers us under His loving wings to a warm cradle of protection. All we need do in return is give Him the thanks and praise for being with us.

Update on Noah the pigeon: We are Bob and Georganne Lenham of Wild Rose Rescue Ranch in Texas , home of Noah the Pigeon. After finding many posts online featuring Noah and the bunnies and reading about the many lives he has touched (his story has been forwarded around the world) we thought we'd post a follow-up and a few new photos. We knew there was something special about Noah the moment we saw him. Although the bunnies seem to be his favorite, Noah helps out with many rescue babies here at the Wild Rose Rescue Ranch...

Noah's first litter of bunnies, almost raised and ready for release. Photo © Bob Lenham Now, Noah helps out with many rescue babies here at the ranch...

How wonderful it is to have a full-time soft-feathered nurturer here at the rescue ranch! He cuddles with all the babies as they snuggle under his warm feathers...and he "coos" as if singing them to sleep with a lullaby.

Noah is truly, truly a God-send. He will cover you with His feathers And under His wings you will find refuge. Psalm 91:4

Hand Art



Got finished with the last of the ongoing car deal last night so here's a pic... That's my friend, Lisa, in the pic. Thank God for my friends that encourage me to keep doing what I'm doing - no matter what. The kids love it, and I actually got to drop both of them off in front of the school this morning. LOL


Buying a new ride

After a few weeks of looking around for a new ride for me & the kiddos, I think I've finally found something we can live with. I wanted us to have plenty of room for trips, and cargo space (and decent gas mileage). Getting a ride to work, the grocery store, meetings, etc. hasn't been fun - but we've made it thru it. And truth be known, we'll probably appreciate having some wheels again even more.

So I've decided on a Ford Freestyle. It's a crossover, meaning it's a combination of a SUV, station wagon & mini-van - all rolled into one. It has 3rd row seating that folds down for cargo space, a sun roof, and gets 25 mpg.

Here's a pic I found online & I'll post pics of the real deal after it's finalized & I'm driving!


Google Liquid Galaxy (Live Demo)

Google Busts Out (Once Again...)

Just a quick post to show a little Google love! ;-)

They never cease to amaze me with their timing & technology.

Check out Google Buzz
From what I can tell so far, it's a twitter/facebook/blog offspring. I'm very curious to see how this goes over & see how it gets utilized. I must admit, a central location to check email & see what my peeps are up to is rather groovy. Especially when I'm still using an old school cell.

On another note...

Google Fiber for Communities
That's right folks! Google is going to play around with kick-ass speed internet access in homes around the country. Sign me up! ;-P


ISO New Ferrari

I always seem to have more trouble trying to figure out what to title a post than actually figuring out something to ramble about...

First things first: I need a vehicle! My car died about 3 weeks ago so I've been bumming rides to work, meetings, the grocery store...all those places I didn't think anything about jumping in the Ferrari to make the world go around each day. It's been an adventure to say the least, but a little humility goes a LONG way. God has a sense of humor & that's a fact!!! As soon as I save a little more cash I'll get a new set of wheels & post another update.

On the work front, it seems that things are about to get interesting (more so). I'll be doing an equal amount of graphic design/print from now on, and it's been a while since I've had to do much in that area. It should keep me on my toes since I'll have to reach way back & hopefully find some brain cells to work with in that area. And I'll get the opportunity to learn some new skills, as well as interact with people instead of hiding in my cave day in & day out.

Who knows? Change might REALLY be good. (WTF) ;-)