
The Short Bus

It's been a while since I've posted anything & after learning that people are actually reading my blog - I thought I'd post an update. Since my last post I have moved to Northern Arkansas to be closer to my husband's family. So far, so good. I wish I could adjust to change as well as my kids do but I'm probably not the only adult with their feet planted in the ground - regardless of whether it's working or not.

You may be wondering what the #$%% the title of the post is about? It's the title of a book by Jonathan Mooney & he describes himself as - author, public speaker, different. To give you an idea of what the book is about, here's an excerpt taken from the homepage of his web site:

A young man once labeled “severely learning disabled” journeys across America to find others who have used humor, imagination, and resiliency to create satisfying lives beyond “normal.”

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