
Update, Rambling...

Over the past couple weeks I've had a lot on my plate personally so I'm just now really getting back on the computer (not by choice) and thought I've ramble a little.

Life seems to keep happening around me & slowing down process for the few goals & obligations I have right now but today I made some progress and it feels great. I've been working on a site for a long-time client for over 2 months now & had gotten really discouraged at the progress (or lack of) that I've been able to make because of all the little things that life throw at us. At any rate, after spending some time today on that I feel some relief.

My own site (donnafrench.net) I haven't been able to even TOUCH because of the life stuff going on. I'd been seriously considering getting a regular job & trying to work on the other in the meantime - but then after logically thinking that through (to the best of my ability LOL) I realized I don't have any spare time so that's out.

All in all - I've been stressing my a$$ off & today was the first day I've been able to let out any sigh of relief toward progress!!!

Just a personal ramble on this one so don't say I didn't warn you with the subject...

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