
eBay Happy Dance

It's Sunday evening and I'm just doing the typical nerd thing - refreshing eBay to see if someone outbid me (they didn't...LOL) so I won another laptop like the one I already have. My current one has been dead for 6 or 8 months now and needs a new motherboard. That's a whole story in itself. I took it to a local big chain store about 2 weeks ago, told the motherboard was fried and I'd like to get it fixed. (I won't mention names because I've already got enough members in my fan club of people sueing me.) They call me to let me know it's back so I go up there all excited thinking I can finally be a complete bum again - lay in bed & surf the web. And the guy tells me I'm getting some of the $238 refunded. At that point I knew that it was too good to be true, so I asked what the verdict was. He says well it looks like it was your motherboard and it's $110 for the diagnosis. Ummm...no shit, I told you it was the motherboard. I breathe deeply and was as nice as possible - told him it wasn't anything personal, but...

At first he just looks at me. So I gather enough brain cells to put things into perspective for him. I said okay so it's $110 for you guys to tell me what I already knew? Then I said - that's just like me calling someone to fix my washing machine, they show up, tell me "yep, your washer is broke. that will be $110." ( I don't think so!!!) He does the head tilt thing like a confused puppy. Then walks away. At this point I'm thinking I'm probably about to get arrested for choking the shit out of this guy. Then he comes back with some paperwork for me to sign - FOR A FULL REFUND. I was actually stunned, but remembered to thank him. LOL

Okay, so I've got the laptop back & just a motherboard is going to cost $150 or more then there's the fee for Gateway to pull the old one out & put the new one in. I might as well just buy the laptop I really want, right? Then I remember...IT is on eBay. LOL So today I'm doing the happy dance because I just won an exact replacement of my laptop for $200. Hopefully I'll still be doing the happy dance once it arrives.

Whoever the asshole in Florida is that keeps posting jackass comments - I decided to make it worth your time to visit my blog again. I turned the comments back on so post until your fingers bleed. BUT - you need to register first now. So if you have the gonads, go for it. LMAO....

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