
Bezos Expeditions invests in 37signals

If you've talked to me or read my blog within the past few months then you know that I'm a huge 37signals fan. These guys know how to keep things simple and get things done without all the BS like meetings and bloated software. They focus on just the essentials that people want, and need, to be efficient. These guys are what I'd love to be when I grow up - smart. There is a huge difference in being smart and actually putting your intelligence to good use. I know plenty of people that are smart but most of them don't step up to the plate and actually put it into action.

With that said, take a minute to read their blog - Signal vs. Noise.

Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon.com) has just invested in 37signals and I can only imagine what's to come. Best of luck to 37signals!!!

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