
America's Universities No Longer The Best, And ...

.... Will your developer job be outsourced? Unless you're a code monkey, it probably won't. But the broader point in this excellent article is that our schools are a few years away from being 2nd rate and many already are.

A Red Flag In The Brain Game
America's dismal showing in a contest of college programmers highlights how China, India, and Eastern Europe are closing the tech talent gap.

Ben Mickle, Matt Edwards, and Kshipra Bhawalkar looked as though they had just emerged from a minor auto wreck. The members of Duke University's computer programming team had solved only one problem in the world finals of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest in San Antonio on Apr. 12. The winning team, from Saratov State University in Russia, solved six puzzles over the course of the grueling five-hour contest. Afterward, Duke coach Owen Astrachan tried to cheer up his team by pointing out that they were among ``the best of the best'' student programmers in the world. Edwards, 20, still distraught, couldn't resist a self-deprecating dig: ``We're the worst of the best of the best.''


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