
Sleep Deprivation

I started out the day with a piss poor attitude because I haven't had enough sleep in several days. During my nine o'clock class I decided to say a prayer to the powers that be and ask for a new light to be shed on my day. The clouds lifted, birds sang, ...okay - not really. I got out of class early, cranked up some Nelly tunes and there ya go. Mood/personality change was underway. At any rate, it looks like a busy weekend once again for me. A friend of mine from Oklahoma is in town and we don't get to see each other very often so I'm looking forward to just hanging out. I'm hoping to get a new digital camera soon so that I can post some pics on here instead of all this boring text. Don't get me wrong, words are nice but I get much more out of the scenery. LMAO

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

finally looked on your blog! What a boring past weekend, huh! LOL DH