
Masculine Focus

I've been taking some of the online tests on Tickle and if you know me this won't be any surprise at all in my opinion. Donna, you're 86% masculine This is based on how you scored on a variety of traits that, founded on classic research and our own studies, are typically associated with men.You're also 14% feminine, which is based on how you scored on traits that are typically associated with women. When we compare your results with other women it shows that you are somewhat more masculine than other women. more masculine than other women.But what is gender identity exactly? A person's gender identity is defined by the extent to which they see themselves as masculine or feminine. Every person possesses both masculine and feminine qualities to some degree, however the extent to which each person has these qualities differs widely. While you were taking the test, we calculated your scores in 6 areas typically defined as masculine and 6 areas typically defined as feminine.

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