
More hours in the day please

I've just launched a new version of the web site for the company I work for & everything is new and exciting - on the flip side, everyone is freaking out because we also moved to a new hosting company. Live & learn I suppose but I think (hope) I've learned my lesson on doing both tasks at the same time.

There are SO many things I would love to do, new things I want to learn and so LITTLE time!

Definitely time to get a priority list together for work & home...

I'm horrible at managing time & this weekend was no exception (understatement). I did manage to make a little time for just hanging out with a friend & going to see a movie. We watched Julie & Julia - and I have to admit it's not something I would have probably chosen but I really enjoyed it a LOT more than I thought I would have. Actually I laughed my ass off but I don't want to spoil it for anyone.

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