
Goodbye Catalog, Hello DVD

The company I've worked for off & on since 2002 stopped publishing a printed catalog for customers a couple years ago so we recently decided to produce a DVD for customers that do not have a computer and/or access to the Internet.

Since this is completely new to us we've tried to keep it simple & see how it goes by creating a Powerpoint Presentation then converting it to ISO to burn the DVDs using Wondershare PPT2DVD. Then to get the video on the web I've been using AuthorStream - pretty kewl site - it converts the Powerpoint file to MPEG & hosts the file for playing (kinda like YouTube) and provides the embed code if you want to display it on your web site.

So far, so good with getting it to a DVD but I'm about ready to pull my hair out with getting a good working copy on the web. I can get the video but when I do the conversion the audio is gone (I've tried using AuthorStream, PPT2DVD, & authorPoint Lite). From what I've read the sound file has to be embedded instead of linked but convincing Powerpoint 2007 to embed the file is beyond me.

Anyone have ANY experience with any of this? If so, I could use some feedback, suggestions or a bullet if I don't get this resolved soon!

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