
It's been a while...

There has been SO much happen this year that I don't even know where to start - much less end...

We moved away from "the farm" a couple months ago (finally) and made our new start about a half-hour South of Texarkana in another small town (a friendly one this time). The kids are adjusting well and Jeff & I have grown up a LOT over the past month or so (not by choice...LOL). He's laid up with a broken femur right now & I'm back to making a living doing web sites again.

It's a little odd being back online because for the past 7-8 months I hardly checked my email, much less built a web site or even looked at a line of code. Colton stays by my side almost 24/7 now & wants to learn how to write code (when he's not playing on his PSP or PS2). And Tana stays on the phone or on MySpace.com. She is in the 7th grade this year, and Colton in the 4th - and I'm freaking out (nothing unusual there...) because this all means I'm getting old (or I already am).

More later - old folks go to bed by 9pm (gladly...).

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