
Chris' Miracle

As some of you may know, a friend of mine's son has been battling cancer for a while now and I wanted to post the update for those interested. This is an email sent to me from Carolyn and posted here with her permission. If you'd care to send comments or words of encouragement please feel free to post here and I'll pass them along to them.

NED (medical term for No Evidence of Disease - the result ALL cancer patients pray for on scans)!!! Chris and I journeyed very quickly to Houston yesterday for a PET and visit with Dr. Anderson... Dr. A went over the PET with us and explained what they look for and none of what they look for was present, but of course, there was still the official report. This morning when I got up there it was - e-mailed personally from Dr. Anderson.... NED. It feels so good to type that!

Also... no more chemo, AND his central line can come out next week. Chris is so happy and just can't wait to simply lie down in a warm tub of water to bathe. Oh, the simple things of life that these kids miss!

It's just so amazing as I was just telling a friend a while ago that just about a year ago Chris and I were talking about his funeral and he told me what songs he wanted and why. Many deep discussions were had about that, and here we are with absolutely nothing in sight on the PET and plans for resuming education in the fall. I guess then other things will fall in place. Right now we have to focus on getting some weight on him and building up his lung function.

Mid-April will bring more PET, echo, and the rest of the normal "big" workup things plus a hearing test. Then we'll talk hearing aids before starting back to school.

We are rejoicing in our good news and continue to thank God for this miracle.

Love and hugs to all, Carolyn

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