
Back to Life

I've been more/less dead for the past 2-3 weeks after a back injury of some sort that I'm still clueless about. After a couple trips to the ER and a few bottles of steroids, muscle relaxers and hydrocodones I am going back to work tomorrow as well as re-enter the world outside my humble abode out here in the middle of nowhere. I'm sure just driving back to civilization in the morning will seem foreign to me but God knows I'm ready after being attached to my heating pad for this length of time.

I suppose it has brought about some good because I have almost finished reading through the latest ColdFusion WACK book (1440 pages) and I must admit that all the rave about how kick ass version 7 is - it's all true. It's convinced me to upgrade the whole site from version 5 for my employer because of all the increased efficiency and functionality in so many aspects. As a total geek it's sometimes hard to decide when to implement the latest, greatest technology - just because it's the new big thing - or because it will really add something worthwhile to the application. In this case I believe there is so much we are missing out on that taking advantage of that it will truly benefit everyone involved.

I've also done some looking around at different open-source applications and found a possible replacement for Microsoft's Office that probably digs into a lot of people's pocketbook on a regular basis. If you're game for saving a few hundred bucks everytime M$ decides we need a new release to celebrate the new year - or whatever reason they come up with for releasing bug-ridden software every 6-8 months at minimum - take a look at: Open Office. Yeah, yeah...I know...I'm a nerd. But seriously folks, nerds around the globe are starting to realize that there is NO need to re-create the wheel just to show everyone we can. With that said, OpenOffice.org is a muli-platform and multi-lingual office suite project that is compatible with all other major office suites and it's FREE! Go check it out and let me know what you think.

Okay, I know I'm probably starting to sound like a major tight-wad by now but you must admit that the cost of software is rediculous and if you're like me then each time a new version of widget is released you've just got to have it. Then after you come down from the high of spending a few hundred bucks on your latest greatest geek widget you realize that you've been had once again and could've kept using the old widget and got just as much work done. As a matter of fact, you probably could get more work done because now you've got to learn how to use the new widget to do all the things you've already mastered in the old widget.

With that said, here's another open-source IDE for those of you out there that do programming or development work. For me personally, I've found the CFEclipse for Eclipse to replace Macromedia Dreamweaver. Why the hell would you want to replace Dreamweaver? Well, number one in my book (for now) is because it's free and there are so many people around the globe working on the Eclipse & CFEclipse project at this point that Macromedia will be supporting the CFEclipse project. But don't take my word for it, read more here.

I'll shut up for now because if you know me you are pointing & laughing by now because I'm rambling helplessly after being stuck at home with Jeff & kids for so long. And if you don't know me - well hell - leave me a comment because I don't really think anyone reads this damn thing anyway...

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