
Quiet Time

It's been a while since I've posted much of anything on here with any details about what's been going on with me personally. So I decided today's the day. LOL Not that I expect there's a huge crowd out there desperately waiting to find out what I've been up to. But because after going through some personal life changing moments with the help of a therapist, I am finally realizing it's either spew what's going on with me or go insane. If you know me then you are fully aware that me 'going' insane has already happened. In fact, I was most likely born with a substantial amount of 'crazy genes' to say the least. At any rate, some time away from work and school to just regroup and figure out where the hell I'm going with this so-called life of mine has been one of the best things I've ever done. Okay, so maybe 4:30-ish wasn't the best time to try and write on here about my big epiphany - the kids are home now. LOL... I'll post more later, but I'll leave you with this - two kids is more than enough, one husband is all you need to kill bugs, spiders and change light bulbs, and the computer industry is probably the only thing I'll ever be happy with as far as a career because there is no chance of truly being bored thanks to Bill Gates and Allen Rogers. I'll leave it at that for now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's really going on?