
Cold Fusion

While I'm on the subject of birthdays I might as well go ahead and let all of you know that it's Cold Fusion's 10th birthday. LMAO If you don't know me, I'm a CF junkie and have been for several years now. Since version 4.5, whenever that was, and version 7 was just released. I must admit that I'm somewhat concerned about Adobe acquiring Macromedia, and what that mean as far as a CF developer is concerned. On the other hand, I can't imagine two companies like these two merging and something good not coming of it. The CF community is finally starting to realize and implement OOP as much as possible - which is a plus for those of us that have some experience with VB.NET or a similar language. Some of the coolest new features in CF7 is the ability to create PDF or Flash documents easily (almost too easy) and great looking forms without pulling your hair out. Take a look at the new features offered in CF7 for yourself! Visit: http://www.macromedia.com/software/coldfusion/

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