
Monday Rabling w/o Dr Pepper

Okay, it's been a few days since I've posted and today I'm only posting because I don't want to do anything else. I'm at work, it's raining, and the machine is out of Dr. Pepper - so I'm sure it's Monday. I guess I don't have to tell you what kind of mood I'm in. The weekend was good though, we did trick or treating and all that goes with that on Saturday - roasted marshmallows and hot dogs at my Mom's and then hung out there yesterday and had a big dinner and watched football. The kids think they've been mistreated if they don't get to go to Mawmaw's house atleast every other weekend. We looked at a horse and have to do some thinking on whether to get it or not because it is not in very good health at all. Still not sure on that one. Anyway, I'm back at work today to get some rest once again.

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