
Amy Winehouse - Rehab


Sites n apps n such

It's been quite a while since I've wrote an actual post & I've gotten the opportunity to work on some really cool stuff recently so I think it's time. Life is pretty crazy in general & I am constantly amazed at how much I can actually get done in a day when I set my mind to it. I definitely owe a lot of the stamina to Full Sail University. LOL After starting their Bachelor of Science - Web Design & Development program back in September 2010 I have learned to push myself to new limits, and although I won't lie & say I haven't complained along the way, it has sincerely helped me to realize some of my potential.

With two teenagers at home, a full-time job, meetings, a new course every 4 weeks, side projects & the daily grind of dishes, laundry & dinner - life is NEVER dull.

So...the course I'm taking this month is Physics & I won't lie...so far, I don't get why physics is relevant to the degree I'm pursuing. On the flip side, everything I have learned thus far in the program has proved to be useful at some point so I'm going to trust in the process & keep making progress. ;)

If you're considering FSU I will say this - NOTHING could have prepared me for the rollercoaster ride but I would not trade it. For anything. I've always dreamed of attending a school like this & although it is not easy, I'm attending school with some of the best talent in the world & we are being taught by some of the best professors in the world. It is truly an awesome experience.

As far as projects, I got the opportunity to utilize Wordpress last month & so far the results are awesome. It was a perfect match for what the client wanted & needed, and they have been very pleased with the ease of updates & maintenance. Low up-front cost + quick implementation turn-around time + easy maintenance = everybody happy. Swing by & show them some love at: TxkEggFest.com.

Another project I've been working on for a couple of months now has me flexing brain cells in areas I haven't used in YEARS. We are in the process of building a huge site that includes an auction, services, reverse auction & shopping mall - all under one roof. The front-end runs on HTML & CSS with a CGI-based back-end and the first section of the site went live on June 1st of this year with plans to launch each additional part every 30-45 days. The owners are very driven & have kept me on my toes and fired up my passion to learn as much as I can on a daily basis & get it implemented as quickly as possible. I just finished the first version of and iPhone app for the site & although it is very rough and I have a LOT to learn, it's been a big accomplishment for me personally. Take a few minutes to check it out & feel free to shoot me ideas/feedback - MakeAnOfferNow.net.

Other projects that are "in the works" are: finishing my personal site for services I offer as well as a portfolio, a banner graphic for a local artist & my "pet" project. I'll reveal more about the "pet" soon - but for right now it is in the VERY early stages & I'm just not ready to pull back the curtain just yet.

Things I've learned: