
Chris Brown - Look At Me Now ft. Lil Wayne, Busta Rhymes


Where to Build a Sidewalk

Shift your sail with the wind.
— Italian proverb

When I attended a conference at a Pennsylvania college, I en-joyed walking through a huge grassy mall between the build-ings. The area was landscaped beautifully, and the sidewalks were laid out in an interesting, irregular pattern. When I commented on this to a friend, she told me, “The sidewalks were designed by the peo–ple who walked on them. When the mall first opened, the architects did not designate sidewalks; instead they waited for a few weeks to see where students walked. After the engineers determined the footpath patterns, they laid down the sidewalks. They realized that no matter where they put the sidewalks, people would walk where they wanted and just trample the grass. So they decided to save themselves some work and make it easier for the pedestrians. ”

The sidewalk designers understood that there is a flow to life, and when we are one with it, we are empowered. When we tune into the en–ergy flow, we can use it to our advantage, rather than struggling to make the world fit into our expectations. The ancient Tao Te Ching, recorded by Lao Tse, is a magnificent poetic instruction book on how to be strength–ened by changes.

Jungle lore tells that monkeys learned how to evade capture by making use of ease rather than force. Hunters would put some nuts in a glass jar with a rim smaller than its base. A monkey of inferior intelligence would reach into the jar and grab the nuts, but because the hand with nuts in it was too large to fit through the rim, the animal would stand there struggling, and the hunter would grab him. The smarter monkeys, however, didn’t reach into the jar; they simply opened one palm and tilted the jar so the nuts fell into it. If you are trying to clutch onto something that won’t fit into your life naturally, that’s when you get caught. Accept what shows up, and you are free. Take advantage of the tide of events, and life will support you in ways that you could not manipulate through anxious struggle.

Build on what is, rather than what isn’t, and you will be one with life.

Show me how to live. Help me move with energy, that I may be free and happy.

The door to my good is open now.