
Drivin' Too Fast

Flickr Photos

In attempt to kickstart my nerd/guru juices flowing again (and hopefully brain cells) I've uploaded some pics to my Flickr account. If you are wondering what the hell Flickr is - it's a photo sharing web site.

Click here to view my public photos...

Happy Birthday Don!

Happy Birthday Colton!

R.I.P. Black 'Hoe

I'm a little late on posting most everything here the past few months but it's not because my life has been uneventful by any means. About two weeks before Christmas Jeff & the kids were side-swiped in my Tahoe by a newer model Mustang. Thankfully everyone survived the accident but my Tahoe & the Mustang were both totaled so here's some pics...



It's been a couple weeks since I've posted & it's still cold as hell (27 degrees as I post) so I thought the world would like to know what I've been up to. Absolutely nothing! It's too damn cold to go outside & do much of anything except get in the truck to make our weekly trip to Wal-Mart or something like that. LOL That's my exciting life these days up here in North Arkansas.

Last week the biggest excitement around was some tornadoes that pretty much demolished a small town 20 or 30 minutes from here (Highland, AR). Here's a picture of one of them - I think I heard it was about 2/3 mile wide...

About the only other exciting news I have to share right now is that I've just finished my financial aid application so that I can get my ass back to school. The school I'm planning to attend is University of Arkansas in Batesville - it's about 10-15 minutes from here & it's been a few years since I've taken any classes so I'm excited.

That's about it for now but maybe if the ground thaws soon I'll post more often!!!