

Okay, it's slow at work today and I've been listening to Diggnation's Episode #72 and wanted to share some laughs with you. I won't even attempt to recreate it for you so click here and laugh a little.

How Stuff Works: SS#

Have you ever wondered how "they" come up with social security numbers? (Yeah, I've lost a lot of sleep wondering about this too....LMAO) How Stuff Works: Social Security Numbers


Gadget Drooling

Check out this cool ass phone coming out soon by LG... (click the photo for more info)


Yahoo & Google Launch Sitemaps.org

Snip from WebProNews...

In an exclusive video interview with WebProNews Yahoo and Google announced a collaborative site called sitemaps.org. Tim Mayer states in the video, “This is something we are announcing tonight at around 9 PM tonight (Las Vegas) Google and Yahoo have gotten together to provide webmasters and publishers a unified way to send their content … let our search engines know about new and existing content.”



Help is Not Rescuing

We do not have to wait for others to come to our aid. We are not victims. We are not helpless.

Letting go of faulty thinking means we realize there are no knights on white horses, no magical grandmothers in the sky watching, waiting to rescue us.

Teachers may come our way, but they will not rescue. They will teach. People who care will come, but they will not rescue. They will care. Help will come, but help is not rescuing.

We are our own rescuers.

Our relationships will improve dramatically when we stop rescuing others and stop expecting them to rescue us.

Today, I will let go of the fears and self doubt that block me from taking assertive action in my best interest. I can take care of myself and let others do the same for themselves.


TGIF Rambling

Just a quick post to let those interested know that I'm in the process of setting up a domain, hosting and dedicated blog. Why? So that I can be a grown up nerd & have categories for my posts and start being a productive geek again. (ie: making money for being on the web the majority of most days) Any ideas for a domain name??? (donnafrench.com, etc...)


Christmas at Arlington

Christmas at Arlington and one big, American thank-you is certainly due to Merrill Worcester and the Worcester Wreath Co. of Harrington, Maine. To do something like this year after year is above and beyond the call of duty. Here's a salute to you, Merrill, and I hope you get many more.

Readers may be interested to know that these wreaths -- some 5,000 -- are donated by the Worcester Wreath Co. of Harrington, Maine. The owner, Merrill Worcester, not only provides the wreaths, but covers the trucking expense as well. He's done this since 1992. A wonderful guy. Also, most years, groups of Maine school kids combine an educational trip to DC with this event to help out. Making this even more remarkable is the fact that Harrington is in one the poorest parts of the state.
Please share this with everyone on your address list. You hear too much about the bad things people do. Everyone should hear about this.

Arlington National Cemetery


Firefox 2, Diggnation

I am just now getting around to upgrading to Firefox 2 and wanted to post a little reminder for those of you that are STILL using the 'blue e'. The blue e sucks, Firefox rocks. LMAO That was cheesey... And I've been sitting here laughing my ass off listening to the latest Diggnation podcast thru iTunes & these guys are nuts. I've got a 2pm nerd conference about Apollo that Adobe will be launching early next year so I better run for now...