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This is the end of the first day of the rest of my life. I'm exhausted, grateful and somewhat disappointed. The exhaustion is from cleaning and working the majority of the day on the clutter in the house and around the yard that has piled up. Funny how that seems to always happen while I'm off screwing up other aspects of my life. I am grateful for my kids and the fact that I still have them in my life - safe and healthy. As well as my hubby, Jeff, and my Mom - without these people I would have nothing. There are a lot of people in my life and for every single one of them I am grateful & have learned from each and every one. And the disappointment is with myself - because the desire to use a mind altering chemical is still there. But I am happy and excited about tomorrow, because this day is near an end and I was able to make it through without putting something into my body that made me THINK I was happy. Better than that, I have found joy today - and it came from within - the only place I should have ever looked in the first place. It has been a good day and I wish anyone & everyone that reads this post a life full of peace, happiness and fulfillment.