
Optional Data Entry

After a LOT of time working on an application for the local and surrounding area where I live I've decided to simplify it - A LOT. Part of the reason for this is I bought Getting Real by 37 Signals, and they have posted an article on their blog (Signal vs. Noise) for those of you that wonder what the book is about & don't want to spend the cash to read it for yourself. Although I expect that after reading the article, you'll probably decide you should buy the book. Don't get me wrong, this particular post on their blog is not all the book is about. But it will give you a general idea about keeping it simple and how well it works in my nerd world atleast...


Last American Titantic Survivor Dies

Read the full story:

Silicon Graphics Files Chap. 11

Silicon Graphics Files
For Chapter 11 Protection
May 8, 2006 9:32 a.m.

Silicon Graphics Inc., a long-struggling maker of high-performance computers, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

A group of bondholders agreed to trade their debt for a stake in the company, which filed for Chapter 11 protection Monday morning in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in New York.

Silicon Graphics is known for desktop workstations and larger server systems that are favored by engineers and others who demand sophisticated graphics, including Hollywood studios. But the company has suffered a long slide, partly due to competition from machines based on standard components used in personal computers.

The Mountain View, Calif., company, which employs more than 1,800 people world-wide, listed assets of $369.4 million and debt of $664.3 million in its bankruptcy filing. Earlier this year, Silicon Graphics replaced its top executive amid widening losses and lower revenue. It posted a $76 million net loss on sales of $730 million in 2005.

Under the broad outlines of the debt-for-equity plan, holders of Silicon Graphics' 6.5% and 11.75% secured notes due 2009 will swap their claims for a 25% stake in the reorganized company. The bondholders, who are owed about $191 million, will also receive the right to buy the remaining 75% of new shares in the reorganized Silicon Graphics.

The bondholders will also provide Silicon Graphics with $70 million in debtor-in-possession, or DIP, financing and will backstop a $50 million rights offering. A group of subordinated bondholders, owed $56.8 million, will receive nothing under the proposed plan.

Silicon Graphics' stock was recently delisted from the New York Stock Exchange for trading below a minimum threshold of $1 a share, and now trades on the small-cap OTC Bulletin Board.

On Monday, the company said its fiscal third-quarter loss narrowed to $42.7 million, or 16 cents a share, from $44.5 million, or 17 cents a share, a year earlier. Revenue fell to $108.1 million from last year's $159.2 million.


Sex Toys Tax-Deductible

Sex Toys Tax-Deductible in Australia

Friday, May 5, 2006
SYDNEY, Australia - Prostitutes, strippers and lap dancers can claim tax deductions for adult toys and lingerie, officials said Friday, as the Australian Taxation Office issued a list of deductible items for the sex industry. Condoms, lubricants, gels and oils are among a myriad of other items that these workers can claim against tax, according to a fact sheet issued on the office's Web site. While they cannot claim deductions for fitness classes that keep them in shape, the tax office ruled they can claim the cost of dance lessons. "You can claim the cost of replacing or repairing things like equipment, adult novelties and other apparatus used in your work," the office advises, under a section titled "tools of trade." "This is just another one of our occupational lists that we put together to help people," a taxation office spokeswoman said on customary condition of anonymity.
On the Net:



My Cousin's Buddy is a Web Designer

Then let him do it.

The money you save by using your cousin's buddy is nothing compared with the cost in time and money required to undo his mistakes.

From: http://37signals.com/24.html


Vitamin is a resource for web developers, designers and entrepreneurs http://www.thinkvitamin.com/


Back to You

Back To You
------John Mayer

Back to you
It always comes around
Back to you
I tried to forget you
I tried to stay away
But it's too late

Over you
I'm never over
Over you
Something about you
It's just the way you move
The way you move me

I'm so good at forgetting
And I quit every game I play
But forgive me, love
I can't turn and walk away
Not this way

Back to you
It always comes around
Back to you
I walk with your shadow
I'm sleeping in my bed
With your silhouette

should have smiled in that picture
If it's the last that I'll see of you
It's the least that you
Could not do

Leave the light on,
I'll never give up on you,
Leave the light on,
For me too, for me too

Back to me
I know that it comes
Back to me
Doesn't it scare you
Your will is not as strong
As it used to be


IE7 Standalone

If you are looking for a way to run IE7 as a standalone for testing purposes (or just for the hell of it) - then you'll want to check out Jon Galloway's blog post http://weblogs.asp.net/jgalloway/archive/2005/12/28/434132.aspx