
It's a Girl

Bayleigh Autumn Crumpton finally made her appearance into the world about 8:30am, April 30, 2005. My 2 cents on her making us all sit at the hospital for 24 hours is she wanted to go ahead and let us all know she'd do things at her own pace. LMAO At any rate, here's a pic of my little sis, her baby daddy and Bayleigh...


Baby on the way...

It's about 5:45p and so far my little sis is dialated to a 4 on my last status call. She's ran everyone out of the room so it's official - she really is my sister! LMAO I'm gone as soon as I leave work to go join the waiting crew for Bayleigh's arrival. I'll post pics as soon as possible and claim all bragging rights.


Genius vs. Stupidity

The difference between genius and stupidity is that there is a limit to genius.


Quote: Conversation

The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the righttime, but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.


Chocolate Carmel Latte

Okay...I bet you can't guess where I'm at. LOL ...Let's see - 9pm, Wednesday night, ...keg party - no, Motel 6 - no, the coffee shop with wireless access <<>>!!! So anyway, not much to say about today. It was pretty much the norm but if I don't stop drinking chocolate carmel latte like it's going out of style I'm going to have to figure out how to get internet access on the treadmill. The battery is about dead so I guess I'll go.


Inside Job

Groovy spot. There's a groovy little coffee shop here in town that has wireless internet access - for any of you computer nerds like myself that isolate if there isn't an available connection at a potential destination. (LOL) Their food isn't too bad either... At any rate, it's been a pretty good day - school, work, payday, now off to a meeting. Nothing much to say here. I've been reading a new book this past few days - Inside Job: Deep Under Cover as a Corporate Spy.


30 Days

Yesterday was my 30 day celebration as far as the twelve-step program I work. Saturday was a very rough day, and if I hadn't called my sponsor I don't think I would have seen the light of day after that. There's a lot going on now and some days I'm just barely hangin' on. Thanks to a few close friends, I'm still here and glad I've made the decision to take care of me today. Today has been pretty good. I've got a lot of homework but I suppose it's to be expected now that there is only 4 weeks left of class.


Never Dull

Click Fraud - Click Here Internet has been down all day but since we're back up now I gotta get caught up. I'll post more later...


Train Wreck

Some days are just like that. You see it coming, watch it go into full swing, and just can't stop it. Today is one of those. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. And sometimes, it just doesn't pay to open your mouth no matter how good the intentions are. That's where my problem comes in. I'll spare you the details. At any rate, life is okay other than that. School will be out in a few weeks, and I had considered taking a summer class at some point. That must have been an off day when I was thinking that, because now that this semester is almost over all I can think of doing is a happy dance because I survived it.


TGI Monday!

I survived the weekend, and so did most of the small children and animals I came into contact with. For those of you contemplating eating the actual box that Midol comes in - it doesn't help! And you might try buying it too, instead of eating it on the aisle at Wally World. For some reason they tend to frown on this type of thing. ;-) After my visit with security, the Midol must have started to work a little because I felt some relief. But that may have been from getting the handcuffs off? Wait....was that at Wally World??? Okay - the Capricorn is back in full swing mode now. Feeling my wheaties today so watch out world!


Is It Monday?

This is about my fifth attempt to start over today - so far I keep draggin' myself back into a shit mood. It's hell being with me all the time. I'm taking the kids to the movies tonight so maybe that will get my mind off of self for a while. God knows I hope so.